The Zombie Song by Stephanie Mabey ❤️
She rocks. Check out her music over here on YouTube.

I'm dyin'😆 💀
Special thanks to Ashley Pollard over at Paint it Pink for unearthing this neat little ditty. 😉
Stay vigilant!
The Zombie Song by Stephanie Mabey ❤️
She rocks. Check out her music over here on YouTube.
I'm dyin'😆 💀
Special thanks to Ashley Pollard over at Paint it Pink for unearthing this neat little ditty. 😉
Stay vigilant!
Hey there, The Zombie Hunter here. I hope you've been good. Last post was nearly a year ago.
I've been busy all 2022-2023 joining matches, training, and making tons of ammo for the sport. We even made it to the World Shoot last year in Thailand! Dreams do come true.
We have been healthy because our preps & intel paid off for us. I won't gloat, some didn't make it out of 2022.
The Pandemic is waning. There's still the Wuhan question that nobody wants to answer. There's war with china on the horizon. Ukraine is in the offensive. Africa is in turmoil.
Near-Term Trouble:
1. Invasion of Taiwan
The biggest threat comes from china. If they push through with invading Taiwan, the USA and her allies will be dragged into the deadliest conflict since World War 2. Thankfully the Allies seem to be cooperating a lot better in the past two years. There was a real danger that our country would have wound up a chinese vassal 3 years ago. That catastrophe has been averted with the actions of our new Defense Secretary.
Pro-china fake news has also drastically decreased this year compared to the deluge we experienced for 6 whole years.
I still think that china's invasion and its silk road scam were greatly hampered by the Wuhan Outbreak. If the pandemic didn't happen, their nefarious plans would have become far more successful. It seems like their timetable was delayed by several years. I won't call it a silver lining as too many had died to their laboratory-leaked virus.
2. Covid Lockdown 2.0 & the American Powderkeg
As the next US presidential election approaches, all kinds of shenanigans could happen. We had aliens in our headlines. There were chinese spy ballons. A real humanitarian crisis in Hawaii, typhoons, and floods.
Next up is a rumored Second Lockdown and Mask Mandate. People are sick of it. That's a ticking bomb right there.
I feel really bad for America, and I want her to overcome this whole mess. The left-leaning populace is too worked up to listen to reason. Trump supporters aren't either.
The good news is the unprecedented rise of African & Asian-American conservatives. This gives me hope that they can bring both sides to the middle again because it has increased discourse in the past year. Not quite 2021 retarded anymore.
Anti-gun legislation is also being fought and at every turn. The Firearms Policy Coalition and the Gun Owners of America have landed a string of victories this year. Things are looking up. God save Judge Benitez. He can turn things around once and for all.
3. Ukraine Stands, Africa in Turmoil
As of this writing it seems like the russians are about to be on their heels again as Ukrainian forces are approaching Crimea.
Meanwhile in Africa, a wave of coups have erupted. Wagner is the usual suspect and it might pull Western resources and aid away from Ukraine if things continue to spiral out of control. There is a noticeable uptick in pro-russian vlogger sites from Africa on youtube and facebook.
4. Morocco suffered a terrible earthquake. Please be sympathetic to their plight.
5. The Rohingya people have spent several years now resisting genocide by their government. As usual the russians and chinese are bankrolling the military dictatorship and are complicit in the countless deaths and suffering. if there is yet another case for an American Second Amendment, this is it.
It is immensely frustrating that their plight is never given enough attention. Unspeakable suffering and evil is being inflicted on ordinary people and nobody seems to care.
What now?
I hate to say it but our skills are starting to become useful.
As always