Saturday, June 15, 2019

That '70s Nurse!

I never really cared much about medical stuff until I became a family man. My mom was a '70s nurse and we had it good. We always had a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home. She never panicked if we had to deal with something a little worse than the usual boo-boo. 

We saved on countless trips to the hospital for sure!

From time to time I'd show her this little blog, and she'd be amused. She's also my #1 source of medical expertise. Head Nurse is a formidable qualification anywhere in the world, be it the battlefield or at home. 

Like most 80's kids, owning a BMX and a nearby village park meant that mom dealt with all this normal stuff:

  • road rashes
  • cuts
  • lacerations
  • at least 3 burns from a bonfire
  • firecrackers
  • rusty nails
  • dog bites
  • eye injury
  • slingshot hits
  • bee stings
  • a black eye
  • minor infections

Throw in the mumps, diarrhea, chicken pox, measels, and other fun things that children would catch at least once in their lives back then. 

It was a different time.

Mom's not always the nurturing type and we'd get yelled at from time to time if we had some injury that needed her help. 

Trust me, us kids were asking for it most of the time. We were after all Steve-O's generation of fools acting like Delta Commandos in the back yard. 

Crashing our bikes wasn't unusual, it was fairly commonplace. That meant we had to clean & dress our own scrapes so she won't get mad on a weekly basis. 

All this exposure to her expertise also meant we knew how to take care of ourselves and not get freaked out over "a little blood".


And so here I am, all grown up with my own wife and kid to look after. Back when this blog was new I spent most of my time obsessing over food supplies, weapons, and fighting skills. I got my First Responder certificate and gained more skills over the years. Thankfully, my mom likes the newfangled trauma kits we have today. 

There were no chest seals and CAT tourniquets back then. She does know how to deal with tension pneumothorax from the gunshot wounds, massive bleeding, and stabbings from her days at the ER. "Skills over equipment" as some experts like to say, and they're not interchangeable!


I just wanted to share this parenting stuff 'coz my boomer folks are the best. They've got the skills we gen X-ers, millenials, and the Yeet generation need to survive WTSHTF.

Stay vigilant!

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