Monday, March 7, 2022

Ukraine Against the "Z" Invasion

The "Z" symbol on Russian combat vehicles invading The Ukraine? There is more to this than meets the eye. On the surface we know that it is an identifier to prevent friendly fire in combat and logistics. This still happens quite frequently even in modern warfare.

Photos from

According to the team in SkyNews and other analysts, they also indicate their intended destination for the invasion. Simple logistics on the surface of things. Full article can be found here

Recent events have also shown that it has become a emblem of support for the invasion. There is a gymnast who wore it beside his Ukrainian rival who won gold. This is highly unsportsmanlike, also a strong indicator of zombiefication. 

Propaganda 101: people like symbols. We can be conditioned to respond to it in any manner or ways.

Mind control is a form of destroying the brain. That is one of many ways of how people get turned into zombies

It means something to me as well. I mean a "Z" invasion is something we are preparing for. 

In one form or another. 

Stay vigilant!

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