Thursday, June 30, 2011

Zombie Poetry, Good for the Brain!

I have always been deficient in artistic expression.  However it is a fact that great warriors throughout history had poetic hearts beating under muscular & hairy chests. Something about a tranquil soul being the source of awesome sword-wielding skills, and stuff like that.

Many of the blogs that I follow contain a lot of really cool artistic stuff.  Painting, photography, and prose & poetry.  All of which I suck at!  However I am resolving to begin getting in touch with the other side of my brain so I can make the most of the whole thing!  

I stumbled upon a place called Your Daily SotA (Signs of the Apocalypse).  Yep, they've got a range of topics but I really dig their Zombie Poetry section.  

If learning how to write respectable haiku will help me be a more badass Zombie Hunter, then I'm all for it!

Stay vigilant!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! A 5K Obstacle Race with Zombies

Zombies are invading Baltimore!

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES is a one of a kind 5K adventure race that promises to test the mettle of anybody preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Unique challenges await participants! For this event, you'll be needing much more than leg power and stamina. Do you have what it takes to survive?

There will be ZOMBIES. And yes, they will be chasing you!

When:      October 22, 2011

Where:     Ramblewood
                 2564 Silver Road
                 Darlington, MD 21034
                 1.5 hours south of Philly

Special Features:

Participants have health points (and wear a flag belt), zombies will attack you and reduce your health. If you run outta health, you're dead!

Use your brain or lose it: Survival-horror scenarios await the runners.  Your lives will depend on the choices you'll need to make to overcome the 12 man-made obstacles.

If you're strong and smart enough, perhaps you can win  prizes at the APOCALYPSE PARTY.  This snazzy awards ceremony will have rockin' bands, beer, zombie merchandise, celebs, and way more fun!

I'd say the real reward is a chance to party with like-minded folks.  How cool is that?

Mark your calendar for this special event and get on with your training.  And this one's mandatory for all survivalists. You never know when you'll have to do this for real! For more information, head on over to the official website.  Register NOW!

Stay vigilant!

Big thanks to Laura for the heads up!